WARNING - Reliance on this Manual Could Result in Severe Bodily. This User Guide describes the F Series Cooling Towers and. Maintenance Cooling Tower Cleaning Any evaporative-type cooling tower must be thoroughly cleaned on Warning a regular basis to minimize the growth of bacteria, including Legio- nella Pneumophila, to avoid the risk of sickness or death.
38 to 120 Ton Cooling Tower These lightweight fiberglass cooling towers are designed for long life and low maintenance at a competitive price. FT Series towers are of a counter flow design, carefully engineered with the optimum combination of heat transfer media, uniform air flow and even water distribution. They provide maximum air/water contact and low air pressure drop to assure efficient heat transfer while minimizing power requirements to save on operating costs.
Certification in Data Management • 1. Certification in Data Management 2012 Loretta Mahon Smith CDMP, CBIP, CCP © ICCP and/or DAMA International 2012 1 • Speaker Information Work History IBM 2011-2012 Data Modeling Center of Excellence Lead Global Business Services, Business Analytics & Optimization TRP 1983-2011 Lead Information Architect Professional Memberships: DAMA, TDWI, IIBA, MPO, AIIM Industry Offices: Board of Directors, DAMA International, VP Communications ICCP Certification Council Member. Certified data management guide.